My Gosh Media

Exploring Creativity: Dive into My Portfolio and Let’s Connect!

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. I hope you enjoyed exploring my work. If you’d like to learn more or have any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to connecting with you!


Paul Cleghorn:

[email protected]

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Snappylookers First Person Marketing (AR)

Snappylookers Working With Snapchat AR Glasses

Myself and my Ex VP of Product came together to innovate a great new marketing idea to help deliver video at scale. Constantly producing and updating video can be costly for a company and organisation. Especially for their hungry social media channels when your audience is waiting for that new piece of exciting content. Working with Snapchat and using their new SnapChat glasses, we enabled companies to scale their video output. But also we added a new concept to experiential marketing, “First Person Marketing”.


CLICK HERE!” to see Snappylookers first person marketing in action?


